The right knowledge, decisions and actions are what make it possible for your business to grow despite the current challenges. The “Master Your Business” program is much more than a conference on business growth and development.
“Master Your Business” aims to provide you with knowledge, tools, practices, and strategies for sustainable and long-term growth.
“Master Your Business” is a program designed for entrepreneurs, executives, and anyone who loves business and has very high expectations and individual standards.
Vasili is an entrepreneur who has founded and is a shareholder in over 15 successful companies operating in Albania and the Western Balkans.
Vasili has enriched his 33 years of experience in business with endless learning from the best experts globally. Author and co-author of ten books on business success and personal development.
Motivator, public speaker, inspirational, trainer at Agna Leadership Academy.
Creator of the largest event-training in the region “Road to Success” dedicated to personal and professional success.
He has been nominated several times as Entrepreneur of the Year. Vasili is ranked among the 10 richest and most influential entrepreneurs in Albania.
His companies employ more than 1,600 people.
“Master You business” is a three-day event training with an interactive experience that will help you understand the basic factors that affect the growth of your business and how to master and implement them immediately for success in business. The market with its dynamics puts entrepreneurs under the pressure of making the right decisions in the shortest possible time. This is only possible thanks to the harmonization of updated knowledge, the right mindset, systems, tools and experience. “Master Your Business” is a program of knowledge, principles, beliefs and practices that make this possible.
For all entrepreneurs or business leaders who are dedicated to bringing their companies to an unprecedented level and to those who aspire to succeed in the business world.
This program is useful for you if:
Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Unsolved Problems, Challenges, or Trends that your business faces. By mastering the ability to look at business through a more strategic prism, you will discover what the most urgent priorities are and what you need to do to accelerate success.
The future is sculpted by your current actions and identity, not by your desires. Discovering, empowering and caring for your competitive advantage is crucial on the road to future success.
Business is like a living organism where the well-functioning of every part of it is crucial for its survival until its flourishing. For this to happen, the creation and development of systems that guarantee a healthy and growth-promoting environment is a must.
We are exclusively bringing to you a group of experts dedicated to helping new and experienced entrepreneurs, as well as those who have such an aspiration.
Keynote speaker
Successful entrepreneur, author, trainer, and philanthropist continuously investing in self-development and contributing to the community.
As an entrepreneur, over the past 33 years, Vasil has founded over 15 successful enterprises operating in Albania and the West Balkans. He achieved all this by mastering and applying in business the success laws and principles, the mentality of the best and sharing those with the others.
Energy, dedication, ambition and conviction in success are an inherent part of him, from the foundation of his first company until today, leading AGNA Group, that after 33 years is the number one company in FMCG in Albania, with over 1,600 employees.
Vasili brings 33 years of business experience enhanced by continuous learning from the best. He graduated in Finance at the Agricultural University of Tirana and obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of New York in Prague. Throughout the years he has been following, attending and participating in numerous personal development training programs about sales, leadership, marketing, management, etc., organized by famous trainers such as Philip Kottler, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, John C. Maxwell, Ken Blanchard, Bruce Lipton, Tom Hoping, etc.
Vasil is the founder and chairman of AGNA Leadership Academy and its Board of Directors. He lectures and trains on topics such as: leadership, management, communication, positive thinking, sales, marketing, etc.
He has brought his experience and knowledge as author and co-author in ten books about very important topics for success in business and personal life such as “The Art of Negotiations”, “Likeable Behaviors and Wisdom in Communication,” “Core Values and Belief for Success,” “How to Become a Sales Professional”, “AGNA Way, the Path to Business Success”, “Communication and Teamwork”, “Time Management and Self-Discipline”, “Positive Thinking and Self-confidence”, “Marketing and the Role of Creativity”, “Human Resources and Laws of Success”.
Today, as an entrepreneur, founder and CEO of AGNA Group, as the creator and main lecturer at AGNA Leadership Academy, as a trainer of over 20,000 people, his desires and dreams go beyond personal reach. Vasil’s internal challenge now is how to contribute in making the community where we live every day, a better place.
After 33 years of business experience, as well as an unstoppable investment in knowledge, with the unshakable belief in the importance of being a lifelong learner, every day and from everyone, and mainly from the best regional and world teachers, Vasil Naçi has chosen to contribute and share with the general public his experience and lessons in business and life, as the most precious and long-lasting way of success for every individual and organization. For this, since 2016, he has created and developed the training program dedicated to personal and professional success "Road to Success".
Financa për drejtues dhe sipërmarrës
Rezarta Shkurti (Perri), është pedagoge në Departamentin e Kontabilitetit pranë Fakultetit të Ekonomisë së Universitetit të Tiranës..
Rezarta është bashkë-autore e teksteve universitare, sikurse ka botime dhe kontribute të shumta nëpërmjet referimeve në konferenca shkencore kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare si edhe nëpërmjet botimeve në revistat shkencore të njohura ndërkombëtare me faktor impakti si WSEAS, JISOM, JOPAFL, CEA Journal of Economics, REJ dhe SBE.
Që nga dhjetori 2011 është anëtare e Bordit Këshillues të Revistës Shkencore AFHRJ botuar nga MODAV në Turqi dhe prej vitit 2020 anëtare e Komitetit Shkencor të Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, Horizon Publishings.
Në kuadrin e projekteve Erasmus + Rezarta ka dhënë mësim në Universitetin e Tuscia, Poitiers, Torino, si dhe është specializuar në universitete si: Nebraska, London School of Economics, Staffordshire, Eberswalde.
Ndër vite Rezarta ka kontribuar si anëtare e Komitetit të Auditimit të Brendshëm në Ministrinë e Financave, eksperte në Agjensinë e Sigurimit të Cilësisë për Arsimin e Lartë, anëtare e projekteve Horizon 2020 dhe COST dhe si konsulente për sipërmarrje të ndryshme.
Marketing & Branding
Dr. Alma Bici is Marketing and PR Director in Agna Group. As a marketing expert she has more than 19 years of experience in business and 16 years in academia. She has extensive experience in strategic brand building and management through clear understanding and analysis of business trends, consumer behaviour, marketing channels and development of 360-degree communication campaigns.
She is a doctoral degree holder in Business Administration from Bradford University’s School of Management (2019), part of a worldwide elite group of business schools with triple-crown accreditation (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS). She is also specialized in strategic communications in Leicester University, UK (MSc, 2003), as a Chevening scholarship holder. Specialized in Digital Marketing in Said Business School, Oxford University, UK, 2021.
Since 2005 Dr. Bici has been lecturing selected undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of New York Tirana: Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Public Relations, International Marketing, Marketing Research. Since 2023, she has been a member of the international staff at De Montfort University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Alma is co-author of 4 books in Agna Leadership Academy.
Sales & Its optimization tools
As Agna Group Commercial Director Arti is an excellent connoisseur of the sales world. He brings over 27 years of market research and brands managing experience. He is an expert in sales and strategic negotiations, thanks to his experience leading different FMCG divisions and companies within Agna Group.
He is graduated in economics at the University "Fan Noli" Korçë. Later on he attended MBA postgraduate studies at the University of New York in Prague, Czech Republic. He has attended various business training and courses.
Art has mastered very good communication and lecturing skills, not only through negotiations and his role as a sales manager, but also thanks to different lectures in Agna Leadership Academy trainings and conferences.
Inovacioni & Transformimi Dixhital
Ermali është sipërmarrës me shumë përvojë në fushën e teknologjisë. Ai bashkëthemeloi dhe aktualisht është CEO i kompanisë LinkPlus IT , kompani e cila është zhvilluar në një ndër më të mëdhatë në zhvillimin e softuerit në Kosovë, vlerësuar me medalje edhe nga Zyra e Presidencës së Republikës së Kosovës.
Përgjatë 15 viteve ka themeluar dhe shitur me sukses kompani si ZagApps, Datalab Kosova dhe EVAcc, sikurse ka kontribuar në industritë ajrore në SHBA, të telekomunikacionit në Kanada, automobilistike në Gjenrmani dhe me kompani si Assecco, TIG.
Ermali ka diplomë Master nga Universiteti i Shkencave të Aplikuara në Offenburg, Gjermani dhe, ka investuar në akademitë më të suksesshme në Kosovë, CodersLab dhe SaaS. Lekton në Kolegjin “Universum” dhe është kryetar bordi në STIKK (Shoqata e Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Komunikimit Kosovë) and anëtar bordi në KAEF (Fondi Edkimit Amerikan-Kosovar). Ai ka një përkushtim të vecantë edhe në projekte që synojnë zhvillimin e talenteve.
"Master your Business" is a program that empowers you to have a better control over your business, significantly increase your profits, grow your business sustainably and become the Master of your time and life. It will all happen with the help of some of the best experts in business, innovation, sales, marketing, finance, digital transformation and leadership, in just three days. This is an opportunity NOT TO BE MISSED!